Where am I taking this blog?
In all kinds of new directions.
But more focused ones.
I've pondered long and often about what I wanted to use to blog specifically for, and I have finally decided. First, I tried to think about things I like, things I know about, things that I could know more about, things that are legitimate, things that are important to me, things that are important to everyone. I want to talk about music, books, and movies. Everyone listens to music or has music in their lives somehow, and everyone watches or at least knows about movies. People, seriously, if you don't read (or don't know how...) please change that a.s.a.p. Certainly there is someone around you who can help with this unfortunate situation, if need be.
I have expounded on these many a time before, but now I am going to concentrate only on these for a while. However, this is not entirely set in stone, I'm just trying it out for now.
What kinds of music and what will I do with it? Just talk about it, relate it to a style, critique it, connect with it and connect others to it. I will make playlists, top 5 lists, any lists! I will go in depth about artists, who sounds like who, who is here and now, who is to come, and who really just needs to go. I feel pretty confident that I can accurately do this and do it good. Yes, I could have said 'well' but the impact of my improper word usage gave the right effect.
Also, books! I read often, and with passion. I love when people recommend books and I'm pretty open to any kind of genre. I will be staying more or less away from the mystery novels that my grandmother reads, unless someone really realllyyyy thinks I need to read it. Personally, I miss Reading Rainbow, and I would like to make that happen again, here and now. There is a YouTube Channel devoted to this very thing, and I plan to take part in video responses there as well. (I might just post them here, actually.)
And finally, movies. New, old, weird, romantic, scary, disney, nickelodeon, indie, musicals, documentaries, Wes Anderson, Wes Craven, rated G and rated R (in most cases). I watch a lot of movies, and feel like all the time devoted to such a thing requires a bit of acknowledgement afterwards. I have a busy brain and a great multitude of thoughts and thought-trains when it comes to movies, and I just feel the need to share them with the world. And those who read this blog, mostly.
So, why am I being so broad. Why was it so hard to think of this? Well, I honestly thought of it right away, but I felt like I could never been good at writing about those things whatsoever. But then I really starting thinking about it, giving it some good quality "lets think about things before we go to sleep" time. And it all just kind of came together. I definitely decided that I'm staying away from celebrity gossip and probably won't deliver a profound blog about fashion or anything pertaining to it.
But music...books...movies. They all flow into each other, one spilling into the next, never-ending. A book is made into a movie in which there is a soundtrack and the music could have been inspired previously by another book or movie and then people buy the soundtrack or download the song and listen to it while they write they own books and screenplays for films. Truthfully, there's hardly a way for one to exist without the other anymore. Or at least be great. I feel a quote coming on.
"Some are born great. Some achieve great. And some have greatness thrust upon them." -Channing Tatum in "She's The Man". I know, I know, lame quote. But it just came to me, I had to let it out!
Seriously, though. I will take each song I hear, movie I see, and book I read and taste it, feel it, get to know it as best as I can. And then share what I've discovered. And yes, I will be rather opinionated. This is a blog and definitely more than entitled to than HERE of all places.
So, here I am world. My new direction is exciting, fresh, undiscovered. I outstretch my arms and run at full speed.