Wednesday, April 22, 2009

And While I'm At It.

So over the past year or so, I've been accumulating a number of things in my fave's folder. A list in particular of things I want to buy. I went through this list of sites, got rid of a bunch of things, and added a few.

So I decided to come here and post some of the things that I want. If I had the money...
Well, I'd give it away. I don't deserve these things. This is my materialistic fleshy worldly part of me talking. I gotta let it talk sometimes.. or it just might act.

1. This sweater is incredibly comfortable. I have one in brown already. :O
2. I LOVE Sunglasses. These in "wine" please.
3. I know, it's hand cream. Seriously, folks. You don't know until you try.
4. Because I like bunnies. And this just. Appeals to me for some reason. Also, roll over the image for a real happy guy.
5. I've been trying since summer of '07 to get me one of these shirts from Threadless.
6. Multiple people have shown me these saying that they remind them of me. How could they not.
7. Maybe not this one exactly, but something like it.
8. Mostly because the scroll ball on the mouse I have stopped working.
9. Eff wires and cords.
10. This dream I will make a reality, no matter how long it takes.
11. This dream... well. We'll see.
12. I want this, its genius. But I'd have to buy like ten of them. -_-
13. This is awesome because I don't really like more cake than a cupcake's size at one time. And its perdy.
14. Why don't I own this??
15. Like I said.. love sunglasses.
16. FINALLY. One that doesn't look all shiny, silver, and azn. I need vintage, I need vintage.
17. This. Is. Beautiful. If they use cameras in heaven, they use these.
18. Haven't really been into scarves lately, but this one can bring me back. :D
19. Planning ahead, really. This looks marvelous.
20. Wow. Can you say Eddie Scissorhands?
21. I'll need that above for THIS.

A girl can dream.

That's all for now, I could probably go on forever. Internet shopping and I are past lovers.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's Holy, It's Living, It's Got Lined Margins!

THIS is that Bible that I mentioned before on my list of things to buy for choir tour. I know, I have plenty of Bibles. Almost a whole bookshelf, actually.

However, I have not found one so "me" ever in my life. Its everything I need. Plus a journal.

Look at the INSIDE.

One happy customer said: "If you're expecting a "Moleskine Bible", you'll probably love it."


Wait, I probably shouldn't say that. In this particular blog post. (Or perhaps ever.)

The World's First Twitter.

Myspace bulletins. People said everything in those.

I just posted one. Here is what it said (since none of you actually read those much less have myspace accounts.)

"wow, i haven't posted a bulletin in a long time.
The world's first tweet. Here I am myspace, those of you who are listening.

Thanks for sticking around, keeping this place alive.
I'm sad to see it dwindle so.

It just needs a new look. Not a new homepage layout. And complete redesign. So many ideas, such little power.
At least bulletins don't keep you to a 140 word minimum. I'm so used to abbreviating things these days. Sheesh.
That would have been like 3 or 4 tweets. This feels like Christmas or something!

Or not. Anyways, I still check you everyday, myspace.
I shall not forget you and the role you played in my high school years.
(Man, oh manowitz.)"

The Book Place.

I got to know the bookstore people much better today. I'm thinking I'll apply for a job.

Not About School

So, I'm really going to try and not talk about school. Its not the only thing going on in my life.
From this point on, I am not going to bring it up and stress about it. (In this blog post, anyway.)

(Not gonna lie--after I finished typing that last sentence, I sat here for a good six minutes trying to figure out what to talk about. Sad.)

Well, I'm going on tour. Choir tour, but still. I get to travel around in buses, do crazy vocal warm-ups, sing in front of lots of people, eat junk food, and whatever else there is to do on a Baptist University's choir tour. Which isn't much. But I'm extremely excited to go. I KNOW. Me. The girl all year who has been grumbling before each concert, the girl who dropped OUT of choir last year, the girl who wants to throw her choir shoes into the flaming mouth of a shoe-eating dragon. Yes, here I am, proclaiming loud and clear that I am excited for TOUR! Feels good to say it. Not that I've changed my mind about the shoe thing...

Honestly, I wouldn't mind leaving in approximately right now. However, I'm not completely ready, shopping list wise. I still need (Oh, boy, list time!):
- Sham./Conditioner (small bottles, economy size is prohibited.)
- A water bottle (one of the refillable kinds.)
- Tights. Because classy ladies wear tights.
- Hair dye (touch up before we leave.)
- Bleach (yep.)
- tweezers!
- snacks for the bus
- febreze
- Gosmile shiz
- mascara
- seriously good toothpaste. :D
- This FANTASTIC Journal Bible. It's in the CBU bookstore, but it's cheaper here.
- clothes!

And I did need a purse of some kind that is large enough to carry things I need as a "carry-on" of sorts, but that isn't a legitimate weekend bag. Also, the one I use right now gets hooked on my clothes all the time. Its annoying and I can't have it hook on my dress over tour and rip it. I just.. can't take that chance. So I bought this!
And a few more online shopping carts are waiting for me to push their check-out buttons. I just need to wait for the $$$ to be graciously given to me by my grandparents. What would I do without them.

Well, not this, because they bought me this computer.

And now I am off to make posters with Courtney and put them on Steffanie's car! It's her last night working at Barnes and Noble and we're the celebratin' type.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Curse Words.

I JUST realized HOW much HOMEWORK I have to do this week.
I mean, I would list it, but midway, I might hang myself.

And I don't want to put myself in that kind of danger.

But seriously, Finals kill me. I have SO much to do. MORE than last semester, and I even wrote that hate letter.
And i am using CAPS to express my INSANE FRUSTRATION.

I really do not think I will survive this. If i do, it will be by....i don't know. I might have to sell body parts. Which, scarily, I am actually willing to do.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Like Now? Like Ever.

So I just posted this entire page of my blog onto a site called Wordle.

Apparently, I have a very limited vocabulary. Or I like similes a lot. I'll go with the latter.

Check this.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It's what all the cool kids did.

Myspace surveys.

I remember the days when we would all sit around and rad about each others personal lives in the form of surveys. Getting excited when one of the questions would say "Do you lyke some1?" and the person would answer with "Totallee."

Or something like that.

Well, here we are again. I was going through some old myspace blog entries and found a few surveys. I had already filled these out once before, and it was so odd to see how I expressed myself at that time. Strange but good, I was a happy kid. Courtney and I are now going to answer questions about ourselves for no one in particular. Second time can be a charm, too. Enjoy.

1. In two words, explain what ended your last relationship?
I could very well say those two words, but... then that would be too obvious.

2. When was the last time you shaved?
Let's just say I'm getting to it.

3. What were you doing this morning at 8 a.m.?
Rolling over verrry slowly in bed. Sunburn fml.

4. What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
iChatting it up. And staring out a window.

5. Are you any good at math?
Are you? Is anyone? I might have to go to Calcaholics anonymous someday.

6. Your prom night?
(I thought that said porn night, at first.)
Long time ago. I remember uncomfortable shoes, too much make up, and The Best of Will Ferrell.
(I guess that answer could go for both....O_O)
7. Do you have any famous ancestors?
I said Mr. Whitehead here before. I think I will stick with him.

8. Have you ever taken out a loan to pay for school?
No, not yet. Master's Degree, here I come.

9. Do you know the words to the song on your myspace profile?
Words? Are there words? What is the song?

10. Last thing received in the mail?
A fantastic stack of birthday cards.

11. How many different beverages have you drank today?
One. Water. However, from three different places.

12. Do you ever leave messages on people's answering machine?
All the time, I love doin' that shiz.

13. Who did you lose your CONCERT virginity to?
Rebecca "Wait For Me" St. James.

14. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?
Depends on what beach. The witness protection program talks about that.. there are rules. But I like to draw my name on other things. Like. Everythings.

15. What's the most painful dental procedure you've had?
Wisdom teeth extraction. HOLY CRAP, DRY SOCKET EFFING KILLS.

16. What is out your back door?
About two feet of grass, a brick wall, and then an abundance of old people.

17. Any plans for tonight?
Evan Human's Senior recital, and then.. who knows. Probably more homework. H8.

18. Do you like what the ocean does to your hair?
I agree with my past opinion. "Never have I ever."

19. Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different kinds of popcorn?
I don't feel Like i necessarily "received" it. But they tended to just appear out of the blue in our living room around the holidays.

20. Have you ever been to a planetarium?
No, where are they? I don't think I've ever had the option. I blame Obama.

21. Do you re-use towels after you shower?
Nope, I just throw them right out to the peasants.

22. Some things you are excited about?
Choir Tour (I KNOW), Finishing this semester, summer time, dinner time.

23. What is your favorite flavor of JELLO?

24. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive?
If they are, they've done a good job of keeping it secret.

25. Describe your keychain:
Watch your mouth.

26. Where do you keep your change?
In the future. Far away from fake santa's with bells.

27. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people?
Whenever I'm speaking outloud and heading towards the caf.

28. What kind of winter coat do you have?
Lustrous and golden.

29. What was the weather like on your graduation day?
Some kinda nasty.

30. Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed?
Closed. Sometimes people don't know the meaning of quiet.


My autobiography. Or "Myography" as Courtney so "genius-ly" put it.
Current mood:shoe

Where did you take your default pic?
Somewhere in Riverside, in a building with other children like myself.

What exactly are you wearing right now?
Sweats from choncho. And some AmAppy. And a sunburn from the lord of the underworld.

What is your current problem?
Probz: school, sunburn, intense thirst, poor grammar, hunger, and my constant worried little head.

What makes you most happy?
Printing out a finished essay. And Chipotle. And Courtney/Steffanie time. And John Green's youtube videos. And laughter.

If you could go back in time and change something would you?
Oh, yes indeed. Mostly this entire semester.

Name something obvious about you:
I am a giant. But I don't feel like one. So it's okay.

What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
Blue and Gold Print by Mates of State

Any celeb you would marry?
Zacquisha. (Zac Efron...) And John Krasinski. Or both.

Name someone with the same birthday as you?
Tanner Rollins still lives on as the only person I've ever met with the same birthday as me.

Do you have a crush on someone?
No, I officially do not and do NOT want to. So there.

Ever sang in front of a large audience?
About three times a month this entire school year.

What do you usually order from Starbucks?
All kinds of things. I'm doing the whole Iced Coffee thing as of late.

Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
Actually, I think not. Which is weird, I feel like everyone gets compared to a celeb. Nope, not me.

Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows?
Kiddie? Do people still use that term? Yes, I do sometimes. I'm more about reminiscing about what I used to watch as a kid instead of whats out there now. However, I definitely know about it.

Do you speak any other languages?
Yeah, I should probably brush up on my Spanish. For my future carreer. As.. something important and bilingual.

What magazines do you read?
JPG, Real Simple, Cracked. Small Businessman. Entrepreneurs Anonymous.

Have you ever ridden in a limo?
Just that one time as a kid with my Uncle Roy. Never since.

Has anyone you've been really close with passed away?
I think this has happened to just about everyone.

Do you ever watch MTV?
Rarely, these days. Wow, how things have changed.

What's something that really annoys you?
Dishonesty. And bad jokes.

**Chapter 1:**

Middle name:
Marlene. Peligroso.

Cookie. Berlin. B-land. Brook-E.

Current location:
Up. 215.

Eye color:
poop. (still.)

**Chapter 2:**

Do you live with your parents?
I live with four girls. Who I am not related to. Oh the joys of college.

Do you get along with your parents:
I try. I get along much better from a distance. Over the phone. But when we're in the same house, things tense up a but. Its a small house.

Are your parents married/separated/divorced:
My parents were never married, and my grandparents met when they were ten and never left each others sides.

Do you have any siblings:
Fernanda, my half sister. She's punk. And Mexican.

**Chapter 3:favorite**

Ice cream flavor:
Cinnamon Buns. Thank you Ben. Not you, Jerry. You know what you did.

Season three, Episode 10.

Or else.

**Chapter 4: Do You**

Sing in the shower:
I sing when I wash my hair, usually something from Rent. And then in the bath, I read. Maybe a humm here and there.

Write on your hand?
Almost everyday. My hand now says "J 138" and "eight"... why, I do not know.

Call people back:
I'm pretty good at this these days.

Believe in love:

Sleep on a certain side of the bed:
In the middle.. its a twin. There is no where else but the middle.

Have any bad habits:
Procrastination. A.k.a. doing this kind of stuff all day. And over-planning my day.

**Chapter 5: Have You Ever**

Broken a bone:
Nope, not ever close. Now i better go knock some wood. (that... is. not. twss.)

Gotten stitches:
Never ever never ever never gonna get it naah nooo no no no never ever. Thats not really a song or anything. I just couldnt stop typing.

Taken painkillers:
Or I would have died that one time, I think.

Gone SCUBA diving:
Why are you yelling?

Been stung by a bee:
All kinds a times. F*** bees.

Thrown up in a restaurant:
"yep.. and it was the last time anyone ever saw Yebber ManJensen." --is what I said the first time. I think I will go with that.

Been to overnight camp:
Been there. Worked it. Hard. Got paid. Left.

Sworn in front of your parents:
Multiple times in front of my mother (I had good reasons) and ONCE in front of my grandmother. Quoting something.

Had detention:

Been sent to the principal's office:
I don't think I saw the principle once until graduation.

Been called a hoe:
Girls these days. Calling everyone a hoe.

**Chaper 6: Who/What was the last**

Person to text you?

What did it say:
That is confidential information--- OKAY FINE. "Yup, I think she wend on a date :S i guess we're gonna get together tomorrow and talk"

Person to call ?
My good ole Nana :)

Person you hugged:
It would be nice if it were the same person as my first answer. But I think it was Tim Wilson. I need to hug people more often. Eff sunburns.

Person you tackled?:
Liz at Disneyland.

Thing you touched:
The down key.

Thing you ate:
a cold french fry. :(

Thing you drank:
Water from the sink. My organs can handle it.

Thing you said:
"Peligroso es me nombre medio." Yes. Outloud.

and there you have. it.

I know this is long. But it is also worthwhile. You made it! YOU MADE IT TO THE END! High five yourself.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Homework City.

I'm not gonna lie.

I am incredibly stressed. Like I am pretty much failing at life right now.
And I just want to quit.

I want to give up. Of course, I won't. I WON'T. But geeze, I hate school. Hate it.

Because it's the one thing that defeats me.

I just need Jesus to show up in my room and give me a hug. Thats. All. I. Need.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I've lived.

Twenty long years.
I mean, when people say that life seems likes its going by so quickly, its only because they're setting it alongside forever. And, of course, there's nothing wrong with that. But another reason is because our memories fail us and we can only really recall various important events in our lives making them seem much shorter than they have been. So just take a moment, sit in silence, and think. Dig out all the memories you can muster from those dimly lit corners of your brain. Think of a day you remember and try to think of every minute that day. Yeah, you probably won't be able to accomplish this, but through this "deep thinking" you may remember moments you thought you'd forgotten forever.
I've been doing this a lot lately. Just last night I had a near three hour conversation with two great friends of mine and I got to retell some high school memories. It's like my brain comes to life when I get to tell my story. All the gears and wheels inside start spinning away and lights are flashing and all the little machine parts are just whirring away while I speak a thousand words a minute.
All this to say... I love my life. Maybe not at this very moment, but when I actually take time to think about my entire life thus far, I am overwhelmed. I have been beyond blessed. And am still being blessed. I can't believe how much growth has happened in my life in the past two or three years. So much change. Not always good change, but generally in the right direction.

So here it goes. The copy cat that lives within me (everyone has one) has decided to jump on the band wagon and follow in the steps of good ole Courtney. She listed those people who have helped mold her into who she is today. She named twenty-two, alphabetically, one for every year she has lived. Here are mine. They are in no particular order, other than the order that they came to mind and/or the order that my fingers decided to type them.

1. Marybeth is my best friend. She is short and she is kind. She is Marzypan. She is my person.
2. Courtney Stewart was a hard shell to crack but I cannot imagine not being her friend. We're friends until our dying day.
3. Alisha Stewart is glamorous and "fab", as she would say. She is courageous and incredibly strong. She made public high school a LOT more enjoyable and entertaining.
4. My first real crush was Michael Thomas. I would not even be a little bit of who I am today, if it were not for this boy. He showed me... comedy. Thank you, good sir.
5. Nikki Freeman was my first friend from my third year of life. She taught me how to ride a bike. When the tree in our front yard got cut down, she moved away. So, whenever I see tree branches being trimmed, I think of her.
6. Courtney Watson is. Braveheart. She is the realest thing I have ever come in contact with. I would not be alive if it were not for her.
7. Steffanie Jarrell is the second half to the Courtney/Steffanie combo. We once talked from when Courtney left for work and until she got off. And we didn't move once. We could probably have conversations like that every single day. :)
8. Yesena, you were my most dangerous friend. You got me into trouble, you taught me lots of cuss words, and you let me taste alcohol. I let you cheat off me on all of our homework and I lied a lot when I was friends with you. That's why I had to break up with you.. so to speak. But still, I would not be mean without our year of friendship.
9. Carly. She was much older than me when we met, but Hamby's brings the most unlikely of friends together. I had the one lonely table in the back of the classroom and she came in and shared it with me all year. She drew cool things and had fancy handwriting. She wore a scrunchy on her upper arm and knew how to serve a volleyball. I wanted to be like her.
10. Justin Thompson. He was my first boy friend. Friend that is a boy. We fought for the title of Valedictorian in 8th grade. I won. He got Salutatorian. Also, you told me about sex, unknowingly, by explaining to me the lyrics of a rap song.
11. Ralphie. Okay, so maybe he was my first friend that was a boy. But I feel like we were more enemies at the time. Nevertheless, our neighborhood would not have been the same without our watergun wars and Mcdonald's toy trading.
12. Lauren Tucker. She was my first college roommate. Also, she was the most rambunctious and difficult child I'd ever met throughout the course of my life. Her first words to me were, "Want to be my best friend?" We were five in Sunday School.
13. Nikki (Howell) Nisly. When I first saw this girl, on a pondo summer camp video, I thought she looked like the COOLEST PERSON EVER. And so I was determined to meet her. I was intimidated by her, but as we got to know each other, it was magic. Turns out, she had flaws and we had similar ones and we both spent two summers talking the crap out of them. haha
14. Nora Serino. I thank Planet Wisdom and V-shatting for our friendship. I'm not sure how to sum But just know you've molded me. In both good and bad ways. But mostly good.
15. Timmy Shilling. He taught me that there is more to life than Dashboard Confessional.
16. My grandmother. She raised me. She raised the crap out of me. Had I actually been raised by my mother....I would not. Be. Well, I may possibly be dead. So, thanks Nana!
17. My grandfather. He is the father figure in my life. He provides for me, he loves me, and he's shown me how a real man is supposed to be.
18. Liz. She is. Well, she is Liz. She is my second best friend, she drools, she's picky, she yells, and she sings. I like her.
19. Claire. I would not have survived summer school without this girl. While I was trying to save my life and my college education and not get a giant ulcer from all the stress, she managed to make me laugh. A lot.
20. Ben. Well...I liked you first. And maybe it made my Birthday last year a little awkward. But if things had been different, we wouldn't be such great friends now. I miss the old days sometimes, you helped make freshman year what it was.

Thats an extremely small portion. However, if I really get going with this, I will never stop. Next thing you know, I'll be thanking Esmerelda, the 7eleven lady who gives me discounts on nachos.