Saturday, March 8, 2008

Today is golden.

I'm not entirely sure how today got here so quickly, but here I am. Tonight is the celebration of my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary. What? Yes. The "Golden Anniversary." They THINK we're going to Grasso's, an italian red-walled restaurant and having little family et-together. False. We're putting together a suprise party at this huge church In El Centro with a bunch of the family (and my family is ginormous) and there will be vast amounts of food and giggling old people. Another suprise is that my grampa is going to propose to my gramma again and they're renewing their vows. Its really pretty cool, seeing as no one got to see them married and there are no wedding pictures or memorabilia. They were engaged and underaged, I guess you could say. Basically, my grandparents were like "F this, let's get married." And they did, secretly. That night, March 8th, 1958. So now we will be able to see an actually wedding ceremony with a veil, bouquet, dancing, the whole shabang.
I'm really happy for them.

As for me, I really just don't want to get stressed out. So far, today hasnt been so bad. There have been a few little poops trying to make me freak out, but other than that, I know tonight will be amazing no matter what and that soothes me a little. I'm also kind of freaking out about school. I was supposed to turn in these progress checks to CBU yesterday, but I completely forgot. I hope nothing bad comes from that, but I really dont need little mistakes like that this close to the end of the year. I have spring break starting weekend, and going for ten days, and then after that, I will have only about four weeks of school left.

But I cant worry about those things today. Not today.

1 comment:

Courtn3y said...

today has been golden for 8 days...i need another day to be golden..or silver..or any other color so i can read some mores!