Tuesday, May 27, 2008

News To Me.

That there would be the city of Galway in the Republic of Ireland. I feel like I am floating in the water when I look at this.

My life has been so interesting lately. Its kind of surprising when I think about everything that has happened to me lately all at once. I will try to list a few of those things for you now.

1st: School stuff. A lot, more than a lot maybe, has happened in that area of my life and the ball is still rollin'. I'm just trying not to get myself too crazed over it and just breathe more often than not. I actually have a hard time just talking about it. I get really nauseous and start to sweat and once the thoughts pick up their pace, its hard slowing them back down. But, deep down, I am really not worried. I know without a doubt, God will carry me through this, and I will come out on the other side looking back at an adventure rather than a failure. Oh, that word. Is it hot in here?

2nd: Photography. I have become 1200% more interested in it in the past few weeks than ever in my life. I recently bought a Diana+ camera and some film for it and began perusing the many photographical(?) stores on Amazon.com, like Photoworld, and found a number of things I want really really horribly much. I also have this camera called the Yashica MG-1, an old 35mm film camera and am waiting for a battery and some film for that to arrive in the mail. I am getting better and better at taking pictures and having an eye for what I want to photograph. Polaroids also have taken a bit of my heart lately, making each picture much more dreamy and interesting that it looks in real life. If my scanner were working with my Mac, then I would have a lot more p-roids (hahaha) on my myspace than I do now. Dont worry, customer service has definitely not heard enough from me, yet!

3rd: I have a lifestyle brand? Apparently, I am an Alt Hipster, my own fashion/music identity according to HRO, a interestingly hilarious and rather infamous blog I stumbled upon. I looked at many of the other blogs listed on the right side of HRO's page, and they all confirm this. By the way I dress (e.g. wearing scarves, glasses that aren't really glasses, checkered shirts, Toms, raybans, tights for pants, ect.) that I am indeed this alt. girl. At first, I was really upset that I was falling into such an annoying definition of style. But with a closer look and reading many more posts, I realized than I am alright with it. I am not exactly completely alternative, as it turns out. I do not and will not wear shutter shades as popularized by good ole Kanye. (Caution: DO NOT WEAR THESE. They will ruin your vision, allow the sun to burn your eyebrows off, and make you look stupid.) And I don't do drugs, get my drink on, and party with the sweatiest of all sweaty asians, Steve Aoki (Dim Mak). And we all need to be able to laugh at ourselves once in a while. I used to wear a Barney dress to school almost everyday when I was little, my choice. I used to wear two t-shirts at a time without any rhyme or reason, making me hotter than I should have been, and I would hastily deny that fact. I still laugh when looking at old pictures of myself and cant wait to laugh at myself later on, but why not start now? Somedays I am more Indie, somedays more Alternative, most days Hipster. What can ya do.

4th: My friends are getting married? When did I get this old?! My good friend from most of my adult life, Kaylee Liniewics (formerly Kaylee Perryman) got married to Bill Liniewics Sunday afternoon and I was there, along with just about every Valley-ite and Pondo-ite to witness it. It was just surreal. To think.. Kaylee is a married woman living with man in an apartment that looks like a barn in El Cajon. The ceremony was small, but so perfect. Everything was romantic and dreamy and beautiful. The reception was just the right length of time, the food was delicious, and everyone was elated. She will probably be preggers soon, she's always wanted kids. She will be a parent?WTF!! I guess this is just the first of many weddings and this is probably what other people go through too. It definitely gonna take some getting used to. 

5th: Nutrisystem is still one of the roughest diets I've ever been on. Honestly, don't do it unless you're trying to lose a LOT of weight. Go with weight watchers, that shiz works and you can still...eat. Now, I cant complain really because Nutrisystem does really work and for food made with more soy that I could ask for, its pretty tasty sometimes. But I am a late sleeper, especially as of late since I dont have much to wake up for but I love to stay up late. So therefore, attempting to eat a Nutrisystem breakfast everyday is kind of difficult. But I am trying to wake up earlier. I am waiting for Marybeth to start exercising in the gym...She's kind of my partner in that area. We're in this together

6th: OMG LOST. What in the world. Nothing is coming together, nothing makes sense. That show is my favorite show and I need to know WHATS GOING ON. Okay, anyway. 

7th: I'm watching an episode of The Office and Dwight just asked Oscar, "Have you ever...pooped....a balloon?"

8th: I like someone. Not with all of me, not as much as...some people in the past. But I do. I just really enjoy talking to this person, He makes me laugh, He has good hair, and has the ability to grow a beard. I just thought I would share this, since its new and kind of cool. We always have a good time together and tend to get a few words out through the laughter. This will be a good summer. 


Unknown said...

So Uhhh...I was reading this and I wanted to make sure nothing you were eating in nurtisystem had aspartame in it. Its in most diet foods(diet coke diet pepsi, crystal lite, baisically anything that says light) and it causes all sorts of bad things like MS-type symptoms and arthritis and other bad things. Ick.

And Lost? Wow...im excited for tommorrow!

Unknown said...

Oh and this is Adam! = )