Tuesday, June 3, 2008

It's Closing Up!

My piercing hole.
I'm thinking I should get that needle out again and check, but I'm scared to.
Tomorrow I go in to get a new one..
I'm not ready to give it up yet! I still like it.

Earlier, I was looking through an old Seventeen magazine that's just been left lying around the house and no one can seem to throw it away and I saw this headline:
"Learn How To Act and Feel Until You Figure Yourself Out."

Excuse me? What are they teaching these girls? I remember liking that magazine when I was around 13 or 14. Maybe even younger. And I subscribed to it for more than a few years, piling up magazine after magazine in my bedroom shelves. Eventually I would toss a huge pile away, feeling that I learned everything there was to learn from them and keeping only a few especially awesome ones. Then, suddenly I'm actually seventeen years old reading seventeen magazine and I don't like it anymore. I see past a lot of the junk filling its pages and realize that it's all rubbish, minus an article here and there. I found myself arguing with the people in the pages as I would mindlessly flip threw a new one. Sometimes I would toss them aside and not read them at all.

I just don't understand who they are helping. If all the legit articles and interesting things in Seventeen magazine were to be compiled, leaving everything else out, it would only be about twenty pages long, if that. I don't mind the interviews with celebrities, its always interesting to see what they have to say to the dumb questions that the Seventeen Mag. interviewer has to ask. And there are some pages with cool "how to's" and some challenging work-outs here and there. They always have some strange facts to say about your..uh.. VJ. 

But its stupid. I can recommend way better reading material for younger people. 
(Not Cosmo!Girl. Or Cosmo. We cant even get into that at all. Not now. Not ever. Ugh.)
Let me know if you need some help in this area of your life. An area that I am quite familiar with as I have been known to spend the large sum of money at B&N buying magazines..

Also: I am very bored. I feel small. Like a little iceberg in my melting world.

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