Sunday, June 29, 2008

You Think You'd Know Me By Now

Okay, I have to admit. Life has been better lately. May days haven't been so disastrous and I realize how much I have to thank God for. Its...a lot. I feel like I've hardly spent any time with Him lately, and this breaks my heart into a million little pieces. Which is coincidently 
the book I am currently reading. The dedication page says this:

The Young Man came to the Old Man seeking counsel.
I broke something, Old Man
How badly is it broken?
It's in a million little pieces.
I'm afraid I can't help you.
There's nothing you can do.
It can't be fixed.
It's beyond repair. It's in a million little pieces.

I've just had a down day, as some people like to put it. I cant find time to do the things I want to anymore, I just do homework. I guess I'm irresponsible and selfish with my time. Yeah, that's probably it. But I spent a total of 6 hours on homework today attempting to finish a long assignment for Geology and trying to focus on work rather than wishing I was doing something else (ADD?) So my plan is to feverishly work in the next few days and get ahead in my homework so I have nothing to worry about for a little while and can do things I wanna do! Here's what I hope to do in the days to come:
-finish sketching and drawings from the san diego trip
-get my new lens and take pictures somewhere
-start a new painting with my acrylics. 
-Start another painting with my watercolors!
-journal more
-finish A Million Little Pieces and start Twilight
-go to Seaworld (not really soon...)
-get my monroe again
-get a new hair-do
-write letters to people that I've promised to write letters to.
-buy a huge pack of polaroids from amazon since they are all disappearing..
-get my gym membership renewed
-start my video blogs! (I will keep this one too.)
-finally visit Petco.
-FINALLY go bowling...

Thats about it. Not too much to ask, right? I think not. But I kind of just want today to be over. I want to be joyful tomorrow and I know God will have a huge hand in making that happen. :) So, here is what I want to do right now. I am going to go to bed, after reading a little in my book, and fall asleep listening to "Falling Slowly" by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova from the movie Once. But first I will tell you about Julia Nunes.

I found her on YouTube tonight, and she is brilliant! Portuguese, amazing vocal skillz, and hilarious. I immediately bought her album on iTunes, literally, right now. Here she is singing "Falling Slowly". Watch all of her videos! She's so talented, and like Andrew Bravener, I wish I knew her. I will keep you posted as I find new talent and effing cool people on the tube. Subscribe if you have an account!

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